City Of Ink- Art. Culture. Influence

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I didn’t have the opportunity to visit the 11th year City of Ink anniversary so after digging through my archives over the last few months I finally put together a simple montage from my experience at the 10 year anniversary. I didn’t capture as much of the night as I would have liked however City of Ink is a staple in Atlanta and an influence for artist from around the world. It was absolutely amazing to see the city come together to celebrate the creative community. City of Ink is a foundation of very dope tattoo artist, piecers and creative artist.
Every year since it’s inception there has been an event/show to celebrate and recognize the evolution of dope art, music and culture.

I’ve been a follower of City Of Ink since my first time walking in the shop in 2007 attempting to get a tattoo. It was my first time seeing black artist tattoo color on black skin. It was amazing. A few years later Chris Colbert hand designed my “Music is Heaven” quarter sleeve. I also have a very dope piece of “Mama Africa” by Miya Bailey on my shoulder. Your favorite artist socialites and D.j’s came together to represent the culture that is the Atlanta Art scene. A scene that influences people from all professions and walks of life.  I will share my personal experiences and how I’ve been influenced by City of Ink and a few artist that I have met by following City of Ink as a collective once I curate my Ode to Atlanta project. For the moment; Get into this short display of Art, Influence, Culture, community and Love. Enjoy how the influence of art can shut down a city block…

Be sure to check out the upcoming ATL Peaches N’ Art show this month on Saturday June 23rd at Peters Street Station. Follow @Cityofink, @notch8gallery and @peterstreetstation on instagram for upcoming events, projects, amazing art work and creative Q&A’s.



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