Road Tripp’n with Nekki

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As we coast into the new season and began reminiscing over the joys and memories of summer I would like to share some of my road trip tips…

“Road Tripp’n With Nekki”

Nekki’s Travel Hat

  • DOPE PLAYLIST MATTER–  The aux cord is a significant part of an enjoyable excursion no matter how long the drive. A bad playlist can get your d.j privileges revoked. I am a “Singing/Rapping while driving” tripper so it is important that I have my favorites incorporated into the rotation. Road trips are the perfect opportunities to “break records”, host a mobile “listening session” or do some good ole’ car karaoke… A few good podcast, some hilarious stand-up comedy snippets and NPR can get you through.
  • CASH AND GAS– Prep the whip before you dip. Get that oil change, fill those tires, check those fluids, and FILL THAT TANK or just rent a car but still FILL THAT TANK. Convene with your fellow road warriors to discuss gas, cash and emergency arrangements. I like to fill up every half tank; Not fond of the idea of being caught in a sundown town or broke down in unfamiliar territory.
  • SNACK ATTACK- Load up on snacks. Appoint a good amount of trunk space to snacks- It matters. To cut back on food breaks; Pack snacks. Be a fat ass and get all of your favorite snacks, even the ice cream just eat that first. Use this as your time to catch up on loose calories and not feel guilty about it.
  • TAKE IT ALL IN- Stop and take in the sights. Breath in the air of new experiences and embrace the new places not familiar to you. Give yourself a break and just enjoy. Enjoy the food, music, new faces, trees, the street art, shops and boutiques, drink specials, traditions, special moments and the freedom to LIVE. Rest at rest stops. Camp out if you are bold. Site see a main attraction; Act all touristy and what not.
  • GPS-  Designate a navigator. See to it that your GPS device is always charged and as old school as it may sound- pack a map. Better safe than sorry so always look over your planned route and check the  weather of the cities you plan to see prior to departure and arrival.


Enjoying one of many beautiful joy stops…

Summer is coming to an end and fall festival season is approaching so plans for a road trip could still be a check mark on your  “Top 100 things to do list”. Every season and trip requires specific preparations so choose the time of your road trip according to your comfort and fund level. Each road endeavor is custom fit for the road warriors on the excursion- Choose your road companions wisely.



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